
Does Your Business Have an Emergency Plan in Place?

Emergency Preparedness Tips

No matter what industry your business is in, size, revenue, or location, you should have an emergency preparedness plan, even if there is no obvious and impending risk. This is because there is always a chance of an emergency arising from an external source. The unexpected happens at the worst time, and you want to be sure that your business can survive a disaster of any magnitude. As well as having the right business insurance in Los Angeles in place, a preparedness plan can protect your business.

Workplace emergencies can be natural or manmade and include everything from fire, floods, natural disasters, hazardous materials, and workplace violence. The best way to prepare is to anticipate for all eventualities. Starting with an emergency preparedness plan, you can establish where your business needs more resources. From here, you can tailor a response to your worksite and ensure everyone understands the plan in place.

Every emergency preparedness plan should include:

  • An established way of reporting the emergency to the proper authorities
  • An evacuation policy and procedure
  • An escape route and designated safe area
  • A contact list of individuals inside and outside of the company and their specific duties and responsibilities under the plan
  • A shut-down procedure or process for areas that need to be addressed prior to evacuation
  • Assignment of specific emergency, rescue or medical duties where applicable
  • Assemble a list of employee emergency contact information, as well as other essential records

Looking to protect your business as best you can? Then contact the experts at Artisan Insurance Solutions.  We are ready to get you the insurance coverage you need today.

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