Try out these suggestions to secure your tools and equipment from thieves.
As a contractor, you rely on specialized tools and equipment to complete your work. This means that, if your equipment is stolen, then you would be left in a particularly precarious position. This is why it’s so important to take steps to protect your tools from criminals. Try out these suggestions to secure your tools and equipment from theft.
Carefully Store Your Equipment
When you are done with work for the day, it’s important to take the time to properly store your tools away. Rather than simply leaving them locked in your company car, you should carry your tools inside your company building or home. For extra security measures, you should consider investing in a heavy, lockable cabinet to keep your tools in when you are off duty.
Park Wisely
Oftentimes, contractors will leave their tools in the car when they go to greet their clients or when they are simply giving an estimate. However, leaving your tools unattended could place them at risk for theft. To minimize this risk, you should be sure to park in a safe place. For instance, parking in a particularly busy area will deter criminals from targeting your vehicle. Additionally, if you are parking your car in a residential location, parking your car so it remains within your sight will all scare off all but the boldest criminals
Mark Your Property
Finally, you can lower the chance of your tools being stolen by engraving a personal or company mark into each piece of equipment. Etchings are very hard to remove, and most thieves will not want to put in the extra effort to remove these identifiable markings. So, by taking this extra step, you can reduce the chances of your tools and equipment being stolen.
Contractors, try out these suggestions to secure your tools and equipment. Want another way to keep your commercial property safe? Then make sure you have the right business insurance protections in place. For assistance with securing the specialized insurance that your business needs, contact the experts at Artisan Insurance Solutions today.
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