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Tools in Transit – What’s Covered?

Does Your Contractors Insurance Cover Theft and Damage to Tools While on the Move? As a contractor, you are always on the go. Whether you’re picking up supplies, driving to a project site or meeting with clients, being in motion comes with certain risks. Tool and equipment theft is one of the biggest problems that contractors and construction professionals face.

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Tips to Prevent Costly Construction Delays

Useful Ways to Avoid Time-Consuming Set Backs  Keeping construction projects and programs on schedule has always been a challenge for both owners and contractors. Delays are very costly, and often very frequent in this industry. Ideally, construction should go off without a hitch and avoid delays if possible. Not only do construction delays cost you money, but also your reputation.

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OSHA Promotes Safe Work Settings for Women in Construction

Increasing Support for Women in Construction Recently, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced its renewed partnership with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) to help build a safer, healthier work environment for females in the construction industry. These two organizations are set to provide women with more information, guidance, and access to training resources so that

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Contractors: Stay Safe During a Roof Replacement

Safety Tips for Working on a Roof Replacement  One of the most dangerous jobs across the construction industry is performing work on rooftops. Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry and the OSHA cites that falls from roofs account for 34 percent of all fall deaths. It is important to identify safety hazards when working on

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Business Insurance & Auto Accidents: Are You Covered?

What Your Small Business Should Know About Auto Accidents Small businesses often think that they can get away without securing an auto insurance policy. Whether they may drive a company-owned vehicle or their personal truck, many small business owners think they can wait a little bit longer before securing a commercial auto policy. The reality of the situation is that

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